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The main building block of a Sammy application is a set of routes. A route is made up of three simple pieces:

  • A verb (get, post, put, delete*)
  • A path (#/, test/path/, #/my_path/:var)
  • A callback (function() {…})

* delete is aliased as del() because delete is a reserved word in JavaScript

Inside the Sammy.Application block, Routes can be defined in two ways: Using route directly or using the verb shortcuts.


// route(verb, path, callback)
route('get', '#/', function() { 

Equivalent to:

// verb(path, callback)
get('#/', function() { 


Out of the 4 verbs, get is the most common. get routes are invoked whenever the URL or URL hash changes. If the URL or hash matches one of the route paths, the callback for that route is invoked.

post, put, and delete are only invoked by submitted forms. At run() Sammy binds events to submit() for all the forms. When a form is submitted, Sammy looks for a route that matches the path of the form (the action) and the verb (the method). If a route is found, the callback is executed.

For example, this route:

put('#/post/form', function() { 
  return false;

Would be executed when this form is submitted:

<form action="#/post/form" method="PUT">
  <label>First Name</label><br />
  <input type="text" name="first_name" />
  <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

If you don’t want to actually submit the form (allow its default behavior), you must return false from the matching routes callback.


Paths can be either full URIs (eg. /blah/blah/blah) or just the end hash (eg. #/mypath). The benefit of using the hash, is that you can define a single page application (no full refreshes) that preserves the back button/history.

Paths can be defined as strings or regular expressions. In fact internally, all paths are converted to regular expressions. That means these are equivilent:

// string
get('/test/123', function() { 

// regexp
get(/^\/test\/123/, function() { 

Sammy also parses the path for named and un-named params. This means you can pull things like ’id’s and ’slug’s out of the path for dynamic parsing.

Any string starting with : in a path will be pulled out and converted to a named param.

Given an app with this route:

get('#/by_name/:name', function() {

Pointing the browser to #/by_name/quirkey would give you the fabulous system prompt reading ‘quirkey’.

This works with multiple params in a single path. It does not work if you want to match strings that contain ‘/’. If you want that you can use Regexp and ‘splat’.

Given a Regexp route:

get(/\#\/by_name\/(.*)/, function() {

Going to #/by_name/quirkey will give you that same wonderful alert. However, because the Regexp is more lenient. #/by_name/quirkey/boosh will also assign
quirkey/boosh to splat. Using the Regexp in this way is useful for defining routes where you need more control over.


Callbacks are just anonymous javascript functions passed to a route. They are only invoked when the route is matched.

Inside of the callback, the this is a new Sammy.EventContext. Event context has a number of useful methods as well as some important attributes. See the API for the full details.

For example, you can access the params, the current path (path), etc. More importantly you can run any jQuery methods or methods of the EventContext like template, partial, redirect, etc.

As of Sammy 0.3.0, the context is also the first argument to the callback. This prevents the need to do (Var) this
These are equivalent:

get('#/by_name/:name', function() {
  this.redirect('#', this.params['name']);

get('#/by_name/:name', function(context) {
  context.redirect('#', this.params['name']);